로타리 엔코더(Rotary Encorder) 베어링 외장형

Rotary encoder without integral bearing

In addition to the system accuracy, the mounting and adjustment of the scanning head normally have a significant effect on the accuracy that can be achieved with rotary encoders without integral bearings. Of particular importance are the mounting eccentricity and radial runout of the measured shaft.

The inductive rotary encoders ECI/EQI 1300 are mechanically compatible with the photoelectric encoders ExN 1300: the shaft is fastened with a central screw. The stator of the encoder is clamped by an axially tightened screw in the location hole.

The photoelectric ERO modular rotary encoders from HEIDENHAIN consists of a graduated disk with hub and a scanning unit. They are particularly well suited for limited installation space or for applications for which there must be no friction.
